Information for Prospective Members

(Updated: Dec 11, 2024)

Thank you for your interest in joining us and working with me. I am building team in HKUST, specifically focusing on content restoration and content generation, and broadly on computer vision, machine learning, artificial intelligence. I will post the new openings once funding is available. Please be sure to read the following information before contacting me.

For sure, I will read every email, while may reply only to the ones with a good fit to the team. It will take time for me to respond, so you can send me an email again if there is no reply after days/weeks. Please do not send me the third email if there is no response.

Current Openings

1, Two PhD studentship with model distillation and 3D vision as expertise respectively. The expected starting time is fall 2025. CCF-A publication (first author) is required for application.

2, Postdoc (for Mainland China candidate only): Hong Kong Scholars Program, i.e., the Mainland–Hong Kong Joint Postdoctoral Fellows Program, see guidelines.

3, Visiting Students/Scholars and Remote Collaboration.

My Support

I have always been engaged in supervising and mentoring students from top universities, and many of them are now very successful in the community (please check the People page). In general, my support includes academic supervision, financial security, computational resource, internship in high-tech companies (Tencent, Samsung, Kuaishou, etc.), visiting/exchanging opportunities in top universities (Cambridge, Oxford, Imperial, etc), and network connections.

For Ph.D. Students

The position of Ph.D student is highly competitive due to limited funding source. We recurit self-motivated students to joining us. In general, every PhD student in my team is the "Bar Raiser" or "Bar Keeper" of the team. So the best way is to check the profile of the existing PhD members in the team. Besides the English requirement by the university, the candidates meeting the following criteria will have a good chance.

  • Publication record including first-author papers in top conferences/journals, like CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, TPAMI, IJCV
  • Strong coding skills, excellent academic performance, quick-learning ability
  • Good communication and time-management skills
  • Normally, the full scholarship will be 18,000+ HKD/month. Exceptionally outstanding candidates will be nominated for the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme/HKPFS with 27,000+ HKD/month.

    For Visiting Students/Scholars and Remote Collaboration

    I also welcome visiting students and scholars from external institutes to have a wide range of collaboration. Please be kindly advised that I cannot provide funding for it. If you can secure externel funding support for it, please send me an email for further discussion. For remote collaboration, please at first have your advisor's approval before contacting me.

    For Postdocs

    Candidates for Postdocs are recommended to apply for the RGC Junior Research Fellow Scheme (JRFS) which provides promising local and non-local postdoctoral researchers at UGC-funded universities with support during the fellowship period.

    For HKUST Students

    HKUST students are encuraged to send me an email with your resume and transcript if you are interested in my research for further discussion.


    If you feel you are a good fit to my team, please send me email with subject [Institution - Name - Interested Position] and fill out the online form. Thank you very much. Please include your latest resume, and representative publications (if any), transcripts.

    Please indicate your nationality if you are NOT MTM (Mainland China, Taiwan and Macau) students.